Over long time periods stocks have delivered around 6%+ REAL returns (accounting for inflation). Additionally, the longer the time horizon the more predictable those returns get – the range between the Max and Min returns narrows and % Positive and over 4% increases.
S&P 500 Real Total Returns
Source: Robert Shiller, Yahoo! Finance, Capital Advisors Ltd: Oct-1946 to Jun-2022
The reason for this is relatively straight forward – over time companies generally make more money (see how the price and earnings line move together and ultimately converge) and increase their dividends.
Source: Robert Shiller, Yahoo! Finance, Capital Advisors Ltd: Oct-1946 to Jun-2022
Source: Robert Shiller, Yahoo! Finance, Capital Advisors Ltd: Oct-1946 to Jun-2022; Dividend Growth = REAL
Thus, despite the recent uncertainty with regard to inflation/interest rates and the subsequent market volatility I believe there is a high degree of confidence holding stocks for a long period of time will reward investors.
Given the long-term viability of stocks has been established, let’s take a look at where we are currently:
How did we get here?
What happens next? In the short-term, it’s anyone’s guess but in the long run please see above. That said, here are some things that have been happening.
Inflation pressures have subsided in the TIPS Spreads and Core CPINew Paragraph
Source: Capital Advisors, Ltd., FRED
Source: Koyfin (SPG = S&P GSCI; CRY = CRB Index)
Source: Koyfin
Source: Kirtland Hills Capital Management
Let’s summarize some of the key points above:
The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) noted and may or may not represent the views of Capital Analysts or Lincoln Investment. The material presented is provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained herein should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. No person or system can predict the market.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.
S&P 500: The index measures the performance of 500 widely held stocks in the US equity market. Standard and Poor's chooses member companies for the index based on market size, liquidity and industry group representation. It is market capitalization-weighted. Investors cannot invest directly in an index.
Equal weight is a type of weighting that gives the same weight, or importance, to each stock in a portfolio or index fund, and the smallest companies are given equal weight to the largest companies in an equal-weight index fund or portfolio.
Investing involves risk, including the loss of principal. There are some risks associated with investing in the stock markets: 1) Systematic risk - also known as market risk, this is the potential for the entire market to decline; 2) Unsystematic risk - the risk that any one stock may go down in value, independent of the stock market as a whole. This also incorporates business risk and event risk; and 3) Opportunity risk and liquidity risk.
Projections or other information regarding the likelihood of various outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual results and are not guarantees of future results. Additionally, it is important to note that information in this report is based upon financial figures input on the article date; results provided may vary.
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Please Note: Limitations. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk and volatility. Therefore, there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy (including this Strategy), will be profitable, equal any specific performance level(s), be suitable for your portfolio or individual situation, or prove successful. At any specific point in time, or over any specific time-period, any investment or investment strategy can and will suffer losses, at times substantial losses. It should not be assumed that stocks with higher dividend growth will outperform those with lesser or no dividend growth.
It should not be assumed that stocks with higher dividend growth will outperform those with lesser or no dividend growth. No amount of prior experience or success should be construed that a certain level of results or satisfaction will be achieved if Capital Advisors is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services. Capital Advisors is not a certified public accounting firm, and no portion of its services should be construed as accounting advice. Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this document serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advisory services from Capital Advisors. A copy of our current written disclosure Brochure and Form CRS discussing our advisory services and fees is available upon request or at www.capitaladvisorsltd.com.
Aggregated Portfolio Data as of 12-19-2023.
S&P 500: a stock market index that tracks the performance of 500 of the largest publicly traded companies in the United States
Vanguard U.S. Dividend Growers: measure the performance of U.S. companies that have followed a policy of consistently increasing dividends every year for at least 10 consecutive years. The index excludes the top 25% highest-yielding eligible companies from the index.
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