The Social Security Fairness Act was recently signed into law, affecting two 40-year-old provisions that reduced the benefits of public employees who received pensions not covered by Social Security payroll taxes. An example of affected groups includes teachers, postal workers, police officers, firefighters, nurses and other public sector employees.
The Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) were intended to prevent individuals who received state or local pensions from being able to “double-dip” into retirement benefits. The unions representing public service workers argued that those provisions unfairly penalized them. Estimates show that the bill should lead to an average monthly increase of $360/month for public employees, their spouses, and survivors. The Congressional Budget Office estimates it will cost $196 Billon over the next ten years.
Next Steps
For those who have previously applied for Social Security benefits and are being partially or completely offset, no action is needed except to verify your current mailing address and direct deposit information. You can access this information through your online account at or by calling the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213.
Under the new law, if you are currently having your Social Security benefits reduced by the GPO or WEP, you can expect to see your benefits recalculated and increased. Current recipients are expected to receive a lump sum payment for benefits backdated to January 2024.
For those who have not previously filed for Social Security Benefits, follow the link to apply online or call the phone number listed above to set up an appointment.
If you are someone who has yet to file to receive benefits for Social Security but who intends to receive a pension from non-covered employment, then you will not be affected by the GPO or WEP.
This is a rapidly developing retirement income planning topic that is expected to impact nearly 3 million current or former public employees. If you are one of them, please reach out to your advisor at Capital Advisors Ltd.
The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) noted and may or may not represent the views of Capital Analysts or Lincoln Investment. The material presented is provided for informational purposes only.
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